Thursday, September 9, 2021

September 9, 2021 - Always too much to do

I just haven't been in the mood to blog this week. The heat is back in the 100s. Wears me out. I can't sleep, even with melatonin (and I don't want to take more ...)

I've been working on the backside of my eBay listings this week. Trying to update some things. Then, I tried a bulk edit on my shipping rules and it messed up all of the shipping info on all of my listings ... so, now, I have to go back and re-do them individually. Sucks. I have way over 300 listings ... tedious, but it has to be done!

I have 1 more excess rooster from last year's hatches to butcher next week. I may also be selling a rooster and 3 or 4 hens to a friend next month. I've been selling at least 2 dozen eggs at Redneck's each weekend. :)

I'm back in touch with Cyndi (my former handyman's wife) and we are going to share a space at Redneck's starting Saturday. She makes jewelry. :) I hope to finally start visiting the horses (she and Bill have a rescue.) I wanted to last year ... but, with my mom declining, it never worked out.

My electric clothes dryer quit last night ... ugh. So, blanket on the clothesline today.

I'm finally starting to sort through the hundreds of rolls, bags, etc. of fabric I've bought the past year! I hope to have at least 50 pieces priced to take this weekend. The craft shows are starting up in the area and there are at least 2 I hope to go to in the coming months, besides setting up at Redneck's. Of course, I'll be listing a lot of it on eBay, too.

Oh, the new Dollar General finally opened! I took Cyndi there to shop yesterday (her car is dead ...) So nice to have one so close! I've never really liked Family Dollar stores and really don't like the local market (it's really small and high-priced ...) The supermarket still hasn't opened after a year of hoping! I think it is still a permit issue, but not sure.

I think I'll have a smoothie for lunch.

And, dinner will be cheese/rice burrito; yogurt with fresh raspberries ... and, of course, some milk tea ... maybe apple/cinnamon tea.



Well, it is pouring down rain, which was not expected today. So, my blanket is getting washed again, by the rain. Ugh.

4 pm 

Power flickered in town a couple of times, but came back on. Whew!

I ended up putting the blanket in the gas dryer. It's not hooked up to the gas, but it's so hot right now, the air fluff setting will finish drying it. The gas dryer is part of the stackable washer/dryer. The washer doesn't work ... some day, I'll get it working again. It won't spin the water out. So, I quit using it earlier this year and got the little portable washer.


 Heron and Sea Lion, Avila Beach, California

Heron and Sea Lion, Avila Beach, California - Photo by Victoria Morrow

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. ~ Anais Nin


I had a fall yesterday. Tripped over the darn baby gate. I have to use it in the hall to keep Nikky from getting in the bathroom and getting in the cat litter box ... I'm thinking of cutting a hole in the bathroom door for the cats to climb through, but Nikky won't be able to get to. Safer for all of us, I think. I scraped my arm up pretty badly/deep bruise ... it's already healing, though. Lots of vitamin C! I might actually just make a 'Dutch' door for the bathroom. Hmmm. Just need to get another set of hinges and a slide lock.

Well, time to watch another episode of Midsomer Murders.

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