Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 9, 2021 - New selling plans!

Well, in my last post I said that I wouldn't be selling at Redneck's on the weekends ... that's true ... but, I may be selling at the local Chamber of Commerce again! I'm hoping to get a space INSIDE!! Excited!! I went to the local Dolan Springs Celebration and Car Show today. Met up with the head of the Chamber and she was hoping I was interested in coming back!! So, I'll be stopping at the Chamber this week and talk to her more about it, as I don't have the money for the yearly fee ($60!) and she said we'd work something out! If I do this, my stuff will stay in the building and if something sells, she holds the money for me and lets me know. I would still be there on the weekend, but the building is open every day for a few hours. So, possible to make money when I'm not there ... I hoooope!!! And, found out about a couple more upcoming events that Cyndi and I can sell at. There's the Craft fair on Dec. 11, but there is also a big Earth Day celebration in town in April. Plus, some other events that aren't too far away. I have got to get to work making some things!!

I am a week late paying my Verizon bill with no money and electric is due next week ... I'm trying to hold on to my last $200 for emergencies ... but, I don't know what to do ... I'm going to clean up my eBike and charge the batteries and take pictures of it this week ... gotta sell it soon.

Giant swallowtail

Giant swallowtail - Photo by Don Roos, nature photographer

The wonder of the world
The beauty and the power,
The shapes of things,
Their colours, lights and shades,
These I saw.
Look ye also while life lasts.

~ B.B.


Thursday, October 7, 2021

October 7, 2021 - Hard times

It's been nearly a month since I posted on this blog! Thankfully, the heat of the desert is gone for the season. I've been trying to get outside chores caught up.

I hope to finally get the chicken yard sorted before winter. I've had 3 chickens killed recently. A friend believes it might be a weasel! Ugh. I've not seen one, but it's possible.

I finally got on 'food stamps', and have found several food banks I've been able to use. 

I'm down to my last $200 ... getting nervous.

Selling on eBay helps, but is not steadily reliable, yet. Will be selling on Mercari and TeeSpring soon. I gave up on CaféPress ... they've just gotten far too complicated as far as setting up each product. Also, had to give up on selling at Redneck's. No business. A friend and I will be concentrating on creating things to sell at the local craft fairs. She makes jewelry; I sew and make other crafts. Our first craft fair will be December 11. I'm so nervous about it!!!

I'm going to have to try to sell my eBike ... sad about it, but it's not easy to ride on the rocky, dirt roads around here ... :( I need to clean it up soon and take pictures ...

Still waiting for my cousin to be able to bring my stuff from storage. It's gotta be soon. The monthly payment went up and I'm struggling with it ...

I had 2 flat tires in a month ... started a GoFundMe, but no money, yet. Not good.
