November 5, 2024

 Open photo

I haven't posted on any of my blogs in about 4 years. I'm changing that today. I miss doing this, but as seen in the past I do get bored after a while! I'll try not to do that this time. Now that I am essentially retired and on my own, it's not like I have a real schedule of places I have to be for work or another person I have to answer to. After 61 years, I'm happy about this, for sure!

I have a 'to-do' list I try to follow every day, just so things don't pile up undone too often. It's nice to see things get checked off of my list! Here is my list for today:

It's almost 10am and I haven't done anything on that list! Time to get started on it!



I got the eggshells ground that I dehydrated yesterday. My little chopper is very old and is not grinding them to a powder as it used to. So, I'll need to run them through my old manual coffee grinder (I don't drink coffee, so it's never used for that ...) before I make capsules or mix into the dog/cat food sometime next week. I'm hoping to eliminate the little old chopper soon, since it's plastic and old ... microplastics, you know ... my regular blender is glass, so will probably start using that in the future ...

Next, but not on the original list ... beef jerky! I make this every month in my Nesco dehydrator. Some for me, some for the critters. I don't add spices and I don't cut off the fat. It doesn't last long enough for the fat to cause problems. It can be messy to make! Tastes wonderful. When, it's done, I put it in a jar and into the fridge.

Just burned a few pieces of paper trash/cardboard/cotton rag. I make very little garbage that needs to go to the landfill. Living out in the desert, I don't pay for garbage service. I take my garbage to the landfill near Kingman, AZ. about every 3-4 months. It fills the back of my SUV and costs less than $8.00 to dump. I reuse and repurpose a lot of things. So, this is about a week of garbage right here - a glass bottle and a bread bag repurposed to hold garbage:

I've been very aware of types of garbage and 'eco' stuff for most of my life. I try hard to avoid buying things in plastic or using plastic grocery bags (bring your own canvas bag!!) I won't drink anything in plastic. If something only comes in plastic, it gets moved to a glass jar as soon as I get it home. And, I try to be 'minimalist' in a lot of things, when I can. Doesn't mean I don't have a lot of 'stuff'. I do, as I inherited 5 households full of stuff and I sell on eBay and Mercari, as well as occasionally at a local 'flea market'. But, the things I use every day are minimal.



I still have a lot of things to 'unpack' from my move nearly 5 years ago!!! I still haven't found all of my knife sharpeners, so I'll have to use my Farberware one. I really like this one. I have two whetstone 'bricks' & 2 sharpening rods, but don't really like using them. My knives and scissors have gotten so dull. I use the meat scissors a lot. The other night, I had a heck of a time trying to cut beef cheek in pieces for the dogs and cat (they are raw fed). They love cheek! haha! But, it has some membrane that was really giving me a problem ... and, Spencer was screaming for his dinner the whole time! So, I really need to get some sharpening done! Sometimes I really wish I had a sharpening wheel like my grandfather used to have. He died when I was 6, but I can remember him pedaling and the big stone wheel would turn and he'd sharpen his knives and hedge clippers and other things. You don't see things like that done anymore ...

These are just cheap Dollar Tree knives I bought a couple years ago, and they get dull quickly. I hope to get a good set next year.

I had to look up the wheel my grandfather had! This is similar to what I remember, but his also had a small table attached.

Not sure what to have for lunch. It's cold out, but I'm in the mood for a smoothie ... So, I guess that's what I'll have! A raspberry smoothie. Might as well make it now ... 



This is what I usually make for my raspberry smoothies. I sometimes use mixed berries. But, I am not a fan of blueberries or strawberries, and the blackberries have annoying seeds.

Raspberries, of course; collagen; organic eggs; beef gelatin; plain or vanilla whole milk yogurt; zeolite; heavy whipping cream; whole milk; cinnamon; 100% cocoa; vanilla. For my sweetener, I normally use pure maple syrup ... but, I'm out! I love the flavor it gives. But, I had to use a bit of powdered sugar. Not ideal, but it's what I have.

I love that the regular jars fit the blender attachment, whether I want to use a pint or a quart jar. And, I love my metal straws (with or without a silicone end.) No plastic straws, here. I used to use glass straws a few years ago, but my mom kept breaking them ... I may get some again in the future. I have some paper straws, too ... but, I doubt I will buy more, since they don't last ...

I'm just going to rest and watch TV while I drink my smoothie. I try to take my time eating, these days. Savor it. No rush. Rushing has caused problems in the past. Still does sometimes. A bit of achalasia/dysphagia, which can be painful. 



Ah, dishes. The bane of my existence. I don't mind most other types of cleaning. But, dishes never end!! For just one person and a few critters, we sure seem to create a lot of dirty dishes ...

Wow! Just made a really nice sale on Mercari. A vintage decanter and cologne bottle. I need to get them packaged to ship tomorrow, so those dishes will have to wait for a bit.

I mainly sell books and magazines, but I have the occasional nice, vintage pieces, too.



The package is ready to go tomorrow. NOW, I'll wash some dishes!

Yay. I got some dishes done. Not all, but some. I should have 2 empty sinks and counters by Thursday. Ha!

I got one new one new listing up on eBay: Miniature Carved Stone Sarcophagus - NO Mummy Inside - Vintage




Time to feed the chickies! (I currently have 3 black Brahman hens.) And, walk around my property.

That didn't take long. And, I picked up 4 pieces of garbage: 2 tufts of old green 'astroturf', a fragment of pink plastic and a piece of old foil. No matter how many times I clean my yard (1.25 acres), I always find more ... plastic, cans, nails, all kinds of things. I've been picking up old garbage for over 4 years. It never ends! The wind blows a lot in the desert and it blows more garbage into my yard ...

Well, it looks like I got everything done on my chore list, and then some. So, I'll end this for today. It was longer than I expected, but it was kind of fun to do.


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