Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 10, 2021 - Flat tires and never make plans


 Sun Mountain, Washington

 Sun Mountain, Washington - Photo by Andy Porter Images

 In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends. ~ Okakura Kakuzo



Nikky and I did not encounter any snakes this morning ... :)

I've got to go to the mail store after I feed the chickies. Package to ship and an order to pick up.

Then, dishes and laundry when I get back, before I can start with my eBay listings.



Never make plans. I keep telling myself that over the years. But, I still do it. 

I went out to go to the mail store and I had a flat tire! A screw in it! So, I try to change it. I know how and have done it in the past ... but, my hands no longer have the strength to cooperate ... I couldn't get the lug nuts loose. So, I called my former neighbor. He used to live across the street, but has moved a couple miles down the road. So, he came (with broken ribs!!) and helped me. He loosened those pesky nuts; I jacked the truck up and got the spare out from under the truck. He helped get the old tire off and the spare on, then tightened the nuts. It took us about 2 hours, but we did it! Now, I have to try to find the money to fix the tire, as I don't think my spare is much good, long-term. But, I did get to the mail store! Came home and took a shower and now resting with a smoothie for lunch. Will get a few things listed on eBay in a bit.



Dust storm and flash flood warnings until 6pm ... Some nice, dark clouds out there and some thunder.

4 pm

I finally opened the box I went to pick up at the mail store. Goodies from Amazon. I bought 4 fly catchers, maple syrup and ginger chunks. I am really happy with the fly catchers. I'll be putting them up in the morning. Flys are so bad this year! I will be putting them in the trailer shed, the basement, the kitchen and the chicken yard. I'm still waiting on the elderflower tonic water I ordered, too ... gotta have my quinine water!

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