Tuesday, August 17, 2021

August 17, 2021 - Cutting through red tape

Nice. I woke up to an eBay sale!

Busy day, yesterday. Went to Kingman and got enough food from the big food bank to fill my fridge and freezer! Lots of meat, which surprised me. :) Also, finally got the process started for food stamps; still required to finish the interview on the damn phone, though ... will do that sometime today. Pisses me off, though. I don't hear well enough on the phone. I also went to the big thrift store and got a cart-load of stuff for only $3.00!! Will clean and sort stuff today and get to listing them on eBay!


I just realized ... when I go to town, I don't really spend allllll day there. Since my mom died, I don't try to fill up my time to stay away from home. I was only gone about 4 hours yesterday, instead of 8 or 9 hours. And, I still got things done that needed to be done. :)

It's very windy today ... I hate wind ... so, no Nikky walk today. Just going to run out and feed the chickens, then get started on eBay listing.

I do have to run to the mail store at 10, though, to mail a sale. Will bring Nikky on the quick car ride.



 The above line is from Scotty. The cat ... 😸



Well ... *&%^&$&^(*&*((^%%!!! ... looks like I'm going to get the runaround for the damn phone interview for the food stamps. This system sucks!!! I need an in-person interview!!!

I am getting such a late start again with my listings ...



Finally! Phone interview is done. I get food stamps. First time in over 30 years ...


 Anna's hummingbird, Prescott, Arizona - Photo by Patrick Dirlam

 The tongue may hide the truth but the eyes—never! ~ Mikhail Bulgakov

Two more eBay sales. Yay.


The resident Mourning Dove is no longer flying solo!! I have only ever seen one since I've lived here. I just saw TWO. They are perching on my clothesline by the chicken yard. I love doves! I hope they stick around and start a family here. Access to lots of food and water here!

Time to relax and watch movies and work on the evil Kinkade puzzle. ;)

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