Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 3, 2021

I keep waking up around 5am ... not sure why, unless it's the noisy roosters ... I don't think so, though ...

Lots to do today! More eBay listings ... go to the mail store ... watch some videos ... exercise ... clean the brooder bin ... try to fix the rake again ... clear off a table ... dust ... monthly septic treatment ... lots more.


Monarch, San Luis Obispo, California - Photo by Ronnie Goyette

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. ~ W.B. Yeats


Supposed to hit the 100s for the next few days ... :(

Better start early on a few of the chores ...



eBay's seller page crashed. I only got 2 items listed ... but, I'll be back at it tomorrow if they fix it!

Chickies have just started hatching! First one is an Olive Egger (egg was light olive in color) out of Sabrina (Barred Rock-possibly purebred) by Pierre (Bantam/Easter Egger Cross). Grand-chick of Sir Knight (Bantam). :) Pierre will be 1 year old on Friday. 


It got to 103°F today ...

One more chore to do. I need to clean the brooder bin that the 8 Basement Chicks are in. They really should be outside, but until the roosters are gone, I can't let the oldest chicks out of their pen - too dangerous ... I've started cleaning the biggest pen and hope to enclose it by the weekend. I'll pen all the roosters in that until I butcher the rest of them ... just so little I can do when the temps get too high. I can't risk getting sick from the heat.

I'm going to watch more videos before I feed all the critters.

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