Thursday, August 26, 2021

August 26, 2021 - Too hot ...


It's a hot, hazy day. I think we have been getting some of the smoke from the California fires ... and, we are on day 2 of excessive heat ... ugh.

I've been busy this morning, though. Fed/watered all critters. Walked the property with Nikky. Got a load of water. I only had enough quarters for one load, so I'll have to get more next week. Started a load of laundry and washed dishes.

Now, to start listing on eBay.


Audubon Rookery, Venice, Florida

Audubon Rookery, Venice, Florida - Photo by Eileen Fonferko, Marshfield Photography

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. - Joseph Campbell


Lunch was grilled cheese, and Vitamin C water.

Dinner will be lamb ribs, and elderflower milk tea.


I made this wallpaper of the High Chaparral last night.



Critters are all fed/watered for the night. Doves' and rabbit's cages are clean. Showered to cool off. TV time!

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