Friday, August 13, 2021

August 13, 2021 - Lightning Show


Wow. We had quite the natural light show last night! There was a huge lightning storm across the highway, over the Black Mountains. I went out to the chicken yard and took pictures, but very few of them turned out good - crappy camera for that sort of thing. It was beautiful, though. Here are a couple of the pics I took.

More storms may be on the way. :)


Great blue heron, Morro Bay State Park Rookery, Morro Bay, California 

Great blue heron, Morro Bay State Park Rookery, Morro Bay, California - Photo by Ronnie Goyette

You can't put your feet on the ground until you've touched the sky. ~ Paul Auster


I need to go to the mail store today to ship a couple of sales. Might go up the road and see the progress of the new Dollar General being built. I think they are nearly done ...

There is a dead body somewhere. I thought I smelled it yesterday. This morning, I am positive. Not sure where it is, though. Some little critter died somewhere ... I need to track it down and move it to the compost area, which is well away from the house!



Ugh. I figured out the death smell. Apparently, I didn't wash some butcher paper very well. I put all paper in the cast iron stove, then burn it once a month or so ... I just burned this morning and the smell is gone. Oh, boy.

Off to the mail store ... then, back to listing on eBay after I vacuum, and wash dishes.


Welll ... postman messed up. My package was mis-delivered and Marvin that runs the mail store actually had to go get my package yesterday and bring it to the mail store! It was my elderflower tonic water. Glad it was sorted!


Short Attention Span Theater:

Lucas the Spider - Arlo's Lullaby

Keeping Up with the Joneses



Lots of clouds, but no rain, yet.

I do not like Thomas Kinkade puzzles ... I have to stop acquiring them! I can't see well enough to make them quickly to make sure all the pieces are there, so I can sell it ... I've had this one puzzle sitting on the table for nearly a week and only about 1/8 done ... It usually takes me 1-2 days to make a 1000-piece puzzle ... ugh.

Lunch was a piece of white cake with chopped figs and chocolate frosting. I know, I know. Totally not carnivore!!! I made it for the chickens and had to have a piece.

Dinner will be baked smelts, & 2 homegrown figs. Yum! Will have homemade no booze-eggnog with it.

I need to load up more things in the car to take to Rednecks tomorrow, to try to sell. If it doesn't rain.

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