Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21, 2021

It's been a calm day, except for the wind blowing sand in my eyes and everywhere else! Ugh. 

I set up for a couple of hours at Rednecks. Made $6 ... but, I also got a graphics client! The wife of one of the other vendors makes beautiful dreamcatchers and wants business cards. So, I'll be doing them for her this week!! Good thing I got my ink refilled last week! :) I've got the card stock. Just need to check my boxes and see if I have the right size. If not, will have to make one. I haven't made any office supplies for others in years! Used to sell mostly address labels.


Lunch was a fried egg/English muffin sandwich; with Vitamin C water.

Dinner will be lamb ribs; with whole milk.

Squirrel, Audubon Rookery, Venice, Florida

Squirrel, Audubon Rookery, Venice, Florida - Photo by Eileen Fonferko, Marshfield Photography

There is nothing little to the really great in spirit. ~ Charles Dickens


I finally finished that darn Kinkade puzzle and got it listed. Starting another puzzle that will be easier on my eyes!

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