Monday, August 9, 2021

August 9, 2021 - Snake sighting!

This morning on our walk, Nikky and I encountered the first rattler I've seen on the property. A tiny baby. By the time I took Nikky inside and got weapons, it was nowhere to be found. :/ I will definitely be on the lookout for it in the future ... and, any of its siblings ... It was a little over a foot long and about as big around as my thumb, but it definitely had a 'bud' at the end of its tail. It was inside the front (wire) fence by the road, so hopefully, it crossed the road! Can't find a good pic of one to make sure what type it was, beyond knowing it was a rattlesnake. Shape of head and bud on tail tip were giveaways. The distinct black and white coloring is what is throwing me. I know it could change coloring a bit as it grows and is exposed to the sun, and sheds its skin ...


Must get a lot of listings done on eBay today! I'm getting a very late start, though! Just got done with the dishes and started a load of laundry.

I went to the little flea market (Rednecks) on Saturday for a couple of hours. Made $8.00 ...


A lot of listings done on eBay! Yay! I even found an autographed cookbook amongst my stash! Did not know I had it!

Weather is supposed to finally start cooling this week to low 90s, with afternoon rains. Can't wait for the rains! Might even see some high 80s!

Scotty is torturing a mouse I gave him. Caught it in the live trap ... it is now a toy and food for my mighty hunter. Casey is just watching him. Not really interested. She is not a hunter, but will catch an occasional fly or damselfly. Nikky is freaking out, of course. She wants the 'baby', but will not eat it if she got it.

I saw Truman today when I was in the trailer shed doing laundry. He didn't realize I was in there and got scared and ran under the shed. I was going to get him some food, but didn't see him again.

Oh, wow. I just sold a quilting book I listed today! Yay!!

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